
fresque peinture decorative mural design agenceglv


Unique and beautiful frescos for your premises. Magnify any space with an artwork that employees, partners, and clients will enjoy.

A decorative fresco is the final arty touch that enhances your office, store, lobby, or any area that needs some colours.


Display your values on your walls. Think of your premises from floor to ceiling as potential communication spaces for your partners and employees.

Brand focus or more arty, using your brand colours or corporate identity to play around it, everything can be done to incorporate your identity into art.

fresque peinture  publicitee agenceglv justeat mural design painting2
fresque peinture publicitaire agenceglv renault2

Painted advertising

Advertisements of any size can be painted. Where? On a building or any other wall surface.

Painted advertising gives another dimension to your promotional actions. Temporary, these projects play a part in the beautification of the cities and give a positive image of your brand.